TEXAS: Holistic Physicians / Pro-Active Health Care Practitioners |
When contacting one of the listed health care providers, please tell their office you were referred by
TALK International.com |
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medicine provider not listed here?
Contact your practitioner about listing in the directory or email us and suggest your practitioner's listing. |
Frisco |
North Texas Regenerative Medicine Center
214-614-8272 |
John Ferrell, MD |
7548 Preston Road #141-71 |
Frisco, TX 75034 |
Integrative Medicine |
Houston Area |
Houston Holistic Health Clinic |
Gracie Chukwu, ND |
(713) 781-9991 |
6776 Southwest Freeway |
Suite 535 |
Houston, TX 77074 |
Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Thyroid problem, Allergies,
Auto Immune Disorder,
Chronic Pains,Toxic Testing, Depression,Weight management, High Cholesterol,
Fibroid and Infertility |
Burzynski Clinic |
Stanislaw R. Burzynski, MD, PhD |
(713) 335-5697 |
9432 Old Katy Road, Suite 200 |
Houston, TX 77055 |
Cancer Treatment |
Comprehensive Health Center |
Robert Battle, MD |
(713) 932-0552 |
9910 Long Point Rd. |
Houston, TX 77077 |
Therapies: Allergies, Anti-Aging, Chelation, Heavy Metal Overload, Nutritional, Oxidative, Reconstructive |
Life Celebrating Health |
John Parks Trowbridge, MD, FACAM |
281-540-2329 |
9816 Memorial Blvd., Suite 205 |
800-FIX-PAIN |
Humble, TX 77338 |
 Your journey toward better health starts here. Biological dentistry works best when combined with “alternative medicine” treatments. Few physicians have an interest in solving illness problems that are confusing or complex and difficult to diagnose where dental issues must be addressed at the same time. Even fewer still have specialized training and extensive experience with such patients. Your search for such a doctor might finally be over.
Our office looks for a working diagnosis that leads to a personalized treatment program that works. Dr. Trowbridge is unusual in having a master’s degree for advanced studies in nutrition (1985) and is recognized internationally as an specialist in removing toxic heavy metals (trained in 1983). He serves as secretary to the board of directors of the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology – and is an instructor for their advanced training programs since 1993. A bestselling author (Bantam’s The Yeast Syndrome, 1986), he speaks at medical and public meetings around the world.
He serves as president-elect of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM).
T.O.T.A. |
(713) 691-0737 |
Diana Levingston |
150 West Parker Road, #200 |
Houston, TX 77076 |
Pain Managment, Detoxification, Allergies, Wellness |
T.O.T.A. |
(713) 410-9567 |
Stephen Joel Weiss, MD |
5818 Beverly Hill |
Houston, TX 77076 |
Pain Managment, Detoxification, Allergies, Wellness |
Waco |
Health Life Center |
(254) 772-5353 |
Dr. William Coleman |
512 Meadowlake Center |
Waco, TX 76712 |
Ozone Therapy |
Wichita Falls |
Champions Clinic of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation |
(940) 322-2400 |
Dr. Lynn Jennings |
2934 Kemp Boulevard |
Wichita Falls, TX 76308 |
Preventive and Integrative Medicine |
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If you are a physician, health practitioner, lawyer or other related professional interested in adding your services to our listings,
please click here to get details for listing in our directory.
Dr. Alfred Stock, 1926 |
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