Ranks in the top 1.5% of all websites in the entire internet for number of visitors and number of pages viewed per visitor.
Appears on Page 1 of Google, Yahoo, etc., for Holistic Dentistry, Mercury Free Dentists and Biological Dentists. We also rank highly in most Mercury Issue terms.
Has been around for over SEVENTEEN YEARS and has THOUSANDS of alternative health sites that link to us.
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Our Dentists experience a significant increase in visits to their website. We also send more visitors to their websites than all the other resources.
Click here to view actual website statistics from some of our dentists
With 3000+ unique visitors and many more regular visitors EACH WEEK,
your listing will have tremendous visibility with people
who are looking for services or products like yours.
Prices and Ordering
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& Image
Telephone Number
Hyperlink to Your Web Site
Up to 350 character description
Listing Highlighted in color
Image Optional
US $49.50
per month
US $495.00
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Search Engine Optimization for Your Own Web Site
Your Website + Page 1 of Google = Success
Listing Your Practice is great for visibility. If you would like to take it a step further, consider hiring our webmaster for a Search Engine Consultation.